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The Forum's Objectives

  1. Contribute to the national development, rehabilitation, and modernization process aimed at achieving the comprehensive new Jordan politically, economically, and administratively by conducting the latest scientific and practical studies.
  2. The Union Forum for Studies and Research seeks to be a strategic partner in shaping comprehensive national renaissance concepts that prioritize ideal values, good intentions, and professionalism, adhering to the highest global quality standards.
  3. The Forum aims to create a national renaissance project synchronized with updates in all fields and sectors, while adhering to the spirit and status of the Jordanian Constitution. Political development cannot occur without keeping pace with and aligning with economic and administrative development.
  4. .The Forum takes into account the changing and fluctuating popular sentiments today due to the spread of rumors in society, stemming from the challenging experiences Jordan has faced in the past and continues to face. Today, there is a pressing need for growth and development as a top priority among the comprehensive reforms. It is essential to control the tools of change to lead us towards a clear roadmap, gradually progressing towards programmatic governments capable of transforming challenges into real opportunities.
  1. Work diligently to provide a comprehensive package of scientific studies for all public policies of the Jordanian state, identifying areas of dysfunction while presenting solutions and options that can serve as a compromise between decision-making authority and the aspirations of Jordanian citizens who aspire to a dignified life characterized by justice and equality in all matters.
  2. Broad political participation, economic openness, and administrative reform are top priorities and of great importance for the Union Forum for Studies and Research, requiring specialized reforms. In turn, these reforms urgently need specialists who consider their opinions within their expertise, wherever the opinion serves national strategic goals.
  3. The forum believes that "constructive dialogue" to establish a foundation of national consensus requires more awareness and active participation from all segments of the diverse society. This can be achieved through specialized surveys to regain public trust in all state institutions and enhance genuine partnership between society and the public sector.
  1. The Union Forum for Studies and Research adopts the prioritization of Jordanians' needs and positive engagement with all components of society. This includes opening doors for training, integration, and thorough follow-up with high transparency. The forum exists to achieve improvements in public administration and enhance security and wellbeing for all Jordanians through real growth and sustainable development.
  2. The partnership between the private and public sectors is the cornerstone of economic, political, and social reform. Hence, the role of the forum comes in conducting a comprehensive review of the achievements made in this context, mapping out the roadmap for the development of this partnership. The ultimate goal is to reach a comprehensive understanding and a developmental strategy to preserve this partnership with its various dimensions.
  3. Conduct specialized economic studies to enhance the role of the private sector in economic and social development wherever the opportunity arises.
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