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Principles of the Union Forum for Studies and Research in the Field of Administrative Reform and Development

Adoption of the principle of competition based on competence and skills in occupying public positions.

Restructuring public state institutions and defining the role of each institution to achieve the separation of powers, with each institution bearing responsibility for decision-making.

Development of electronic services and digital transformation for all state institutions.

Establishing measurable foundations for evaluating the performance of public employees for recruitment and promotion purposes.

Introduction of a salary scale that aligns with job descriptions and performance standards for employees.

Focus on qualifying the cadres of the General Administration Institute to provide effective training for all public sector employees.

Emphasis on what is known as "government coordination" between state institutions and controlling unjustified expenditures in all matters.

Emphasis on the importance of the Audit Bureau and the development of its tasks according to international standards, dealing with its reports with the highest levels of transparency.

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