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Party Work and Political Development Committee

  1. Adopting the outputs of the Royal Committee to achieve the update of the political system, aiming to reach a programmatic partisan parliament.
  2. Integrating youth and women into the political process, developing plans, and accelerating their implementation to restore the trust of Jordanians in all civil government institutions through political participation and strengthening mutual trust bonds within society through volunteering and engagement.
  3. The forum recognizes the importance of developing the tools that have succeeded in building various state institutions. This requires updating these tools, especially given the ongoing revolution in information and communication technology.
  4. The Union Forum for Studies and Research emphasizes that the optimal way to update these tools is to conduct a scientific study on the current state of public policies (political, economic, social, and administrative) and identify weaknesses. This involves developing integrated action plans, such as assessing the satisfaction level with all services provided by the government to Jordanian citizens in areas such as security, health, education, transportation, tourism, and the environment.
  5. Providing current situational analyses and offering logical solutions to enhance party work in confronting present and future challenges.

Economic Sectors Committee

  1. Monitoring the implementation of the economic modernization vision, centered around the slogan "A Better Future," and studying the obstacles hindering its goals.
  2. Contributing to enhancing the partnership between the public and private sectors and empowering the private sector to play its role in expanding investments and increasing job opportunities.
  3. Focusing on monitoring the future vision of the transportation and logistics sector, considering it a vital component for other sectors.
  4. Conducting an in-depth analysis of the national plan for the transportation sector and monitoring the strategy update process, taking into consideration the necessity of achieving goals and priorities, and highlighting the economic and social impact.
  5. Researching proposals related to the tourism sector, exploring ways to develop them, and reviewing marketing and promotional policies.
  6. Studying laws and proposals related to archaeological findings, methods of exploration, protection, and preservation of public, religious, and heritage archaeological sites.
  7. Reviewing the national tourism strategy and providing proposals for developing the tourism product, such as religious and medical tourism.
  8. Implementing a joint program for both the transportation and tourism sectors, emphasizing the need to support low-cost aviation to stimulate tourism and contribute to easing the burden on tourists interested in coming to the Kingdom.
  9. Updating the Economic Committee of the forum on legislation related to energy, oil, and electricity, along with all policies and agreements related to this sector.
  10.  Researching and analyzing the comprehensive strategy for the energy sector, identifying the challenges it faces, and outlining all the achievements since the development of the strategy.

Agricultural and Environmental Studies Committee

1 . المحافظة على بيئة نظيفة خالية من التلوث للإسهام في تحسين نوعية الحياة للمواطنين.

2 . المحافظة على الموارد الطبيعية وتنميتها المستدامة.

3. تحسين الأمن الغذائي للمواطن وخاصة للذين يعيشون في المناطق الريفية ويعملون بالزراعة بصفة اساسية.

4. تفعيل مشاركة القطاع الخاص و دور الجمعيات والمؤسسات غير الربحية في دعم قطاعي الزراعة والبيئة.

Monitoring studies related to agricultural issues such as production, export, and marketing, and providing advice and guidance to farmers.

6 . مساعدة مراكز القرار الحكومي في اعداد السياسات الزراعية والاجراءات اللازمة لضمان تحقيق اهداف الزراعة في البلد.

7 . الدفاع عن المياة والحياة والارض من التهديدات التي تفرضها المشروعات الاستخراجية الملوثة.

8. الاندماج في إطار عملية اجتماعية مستقلة تتمتع بالقدرة على صياغة المقترحات التي من شأنها الاسهام في تحسين الاوضاع البيئية وتنفيذ هذه المقترحات.

Local Industries Committee

Supporting the quality of local products.

Monitoring the strategic plan for the development and growth of the local industrial sector due to its effective contribution to the national economic growth.

Researching and studying the challenges and difficulties facing the private sector in areas such as industry, production, the mining sector, electricity, energy, labor issues, workers, specifications, and standards.

Actively participating with the government in this field to provide proposals for revitalizing industrial zones in all provinces of the Kingdom

Administrative Development Committee

Developing programs and providing studies on administrative reform to improve the quality of life for Jordanian citizens and enhance the construction of effective institutions.

  1. Studying the reasons for the weakness of public administration in the Jordanian state, which suffers from the following aspects:
  • Relying on connections and favoritism in many cases instead of merit, skill, and capability.
  • Weakness and absence of effective and transparent governance in some state institutions.
  • Low levels of employee competence in public institutions.
  • Lack of a job replacement policy in various state institutions.
  • Continuation of distortions in the salary scale, rewards, and incentives for public sector institutions.
  • Institutional disloyalty among public sector employees, attributed to a breakdown in trust between citizens and successive governments.

Committee for Education and Higher Education

  1. Raising awareness among school students about political life, its importance in the development of Jordanian society, and active participation in democratic diversity.
  2. متابعة ما بد به المركز الوطني للتطوير المناهج / وزارة التربية والتعليم ودروه الفاعل في ادراج مادة الديمقراطية والمشاركة في الحياة السياسية في الصفوف العاشر والحادي عشر في كافة المدارس الحكومية
  3. تنفيذ رؤى جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني في نشر مبادئ السلام من خلال التعليم وذلك بتزويدهم بكافة المعارف والسلوكيات في ترسيخ هذه الثقافة
  4. وضع برامج خاصة بالتعليم والتعليم العالي من اجل النهوض بالاقتصاد الوطني وزيادة فعالية القطاع العام وازدهار القطاع الخاص
  5. تعريف الطلبة بالتشريعات الناظمة للعمل السياسي والبرامج العملية للاحزاب السياسية من خلال عقد ورشات عمل بالمنتدى.
  6. دراسة وبحث يتعلق باجراء تعديلات على بعض الانظمة المعمول بها في جامعاتنا الاردنية تتوافق مع احكام النظام.
  7. استقبال الأبحاث والدراسات التي يقدمها الأكاديميون من جامعاتنا الاردنية من اجل اعتمدادها ونشرها على المستوى المحلي والإقليمي من قبل المنتدى.
  8. التأكيد على كافة الطلبة من خلال المناهج التربوية ( المدرسية والجامعية ) على الانخراط في العمل الحزبي حيث ان منظومة الاصلاح ترتكز على المهارات و الريادة والابتكار
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